Theres a need for more fancy clothing and ways to invidualize the own character. Because the shirt-skirt thing and the trousers are boring. At least one should be able to change the colours of the skirt because, by the female character you cant change the colour of it.
In addition at some point the upgrades costs of the city buildings and the shop are too high.
Its oubviously a strategie to get the player to play more but its nasty. A suggestion would be to lower the shop and items uprages about 20%.
But its a game that can give you a good time, because you are administrating a shop and it can just go out well.
All in all worth 3 stars- there are some upgrades needed
Uhm...I excuse myself for my bad english and the mistakes.
Einemeinung :3 about Shop Heroes: Trade Tycoon, v1.0.54